Archive for March, 2012

Video of the future is annoying.

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

You can interpret that however you like.

I just tried to watch this video:

And I had to give up. Instead I started counting edits. As in scene cuts.

I counted 164 of them. I’m probably off by a few because I don’t play video games and thus can’t keep up with that high of a frequency of context shifts.

The video is 96 seconds long and has 164 cuts spread evenly throughout the video. That’s  about 1.7 cuts per second.

Does anybody actually enjoy or even glean any content from a video that you have less than a second to focus on, and soak up the image before it switches to another one?

Who thinks this is a good idea? What marketing genius said “max headroom’s blip verts were a brilliant idea! Let’s DO IT!”